Dr Pimple Popper

By Anonymous - 04/04/2022 22:00

Today, a doctor squeezed so much cheese out of a huge lump on my nutsack, for a second I was convinced he’d poked a hole in my bollock and was squeezing out my baby-making juice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 092
You deserved it 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm going to have to throw out my considerable collection of EZ Cheese! Thanks, I can't possibly eat it anymore.

Ummm…could have done without that mental image, though I’m sure you could have done without having to go through that.


Ummm…could have done without that mental image, though I’m sure you could have done without having to go through that.

I'm going to have to throw out my considerable collection of EZ Cheese! Thanks, I can't possibly eat it anymore.

Dirtysalamander1 13

thats what grossest you out? that's a cap. nothing grossest you out.

As Cleveland would say, "That's nasty."