By Tallow101 - 23/07/2009 07:10 - United States

Today, I asked my parents to sign for me to enlist in the military. They asked me how much money the government gives them if I die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 837
You deserved it 6 657

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XCarCrashHeartsX 0

Well, that is a reasonable question, you are putting your life at stake...


islaphippos 0

I don't believe it, if your parents were that heartless, you would have known already

Tifoxendine 0

I'm sorry to hear but ur look on family will change and u will miss them trust me

everybody else is saying that they're heartless, but i think they just said that to scare you into not doing it. the military is a big and dangerous decision, and your parents were probably just scared of losing you. if i had kids, i wouldnt want them to do that.

I think they were trying to see how much money they would have left if you die and they have to bury you and give you a nice funeral.

ObamaKitttyy 0
Queen_of_Night 20

The regular life insurance plan is $400,000. Your funeral expenses are completely taken care of. I really hop you joined the Navy. I've friends in every branch and served 4 years myself in the USAF. I wish I'd gone Navy and so do most of my friends. 14, 19, 17, and 26 STFU and go die. 29, obviously you haven't seen the news. We're pulling out. We're completely out of Baghdad. We're not really at war anymore.

Apparently you forget about Afghanistan.

Clearly u did forget about afghanistan. The American soldiers are still there and are ruining the lives of the innnocent people there. No offense to any americans, because I'm not a hater but the american soldiers are not making any progress there. I don't even understand why they are there. It's not liek they are making any chnage there and their lives are just going to waste and they end up dieing eventually too. I'm thankful that in America and Canada we have people who would give up their time and life to become a soldier and risk there life but seriously there is no point.

i didn't mean to reply to this one lol

Queen_of_Night 20

there have been troops in korea since the 50's. Oh, and by the way, we are not currently at war there.

noName123456 0

actually we have not been at war since WWII in the 40s, that was the last time congress declared war since then its just been global conflicts/police actions

Queen_of_Night 20

Edit: apparently the OP to this rely was deleted I'm not going to discuss a country whose government is basically begging us to stay. Many of he bases in Afghanistan are going to become permanent because of the request by THEIR government. Korea is the same. As for "ruining lives", the only afghans who have any problem with us are people like you. They are a wonderful people. Majority of Middle Eastern people are. There is an easy way for you to find out what's really going on. It's called Google. Thanks for playing.

ObamaKitttyy 0

ok u get 400,000 if ur kid dies in the war? idk on that that's a lotta money the government is givin away...

I thought if you were 18 you didn't need parental consent to enlist.

dk2008 3

you don't, but you do if you are seventeen, which i have known people who have enlisted at 17, went to basic over the summer, and then came back and graduated and continued on to college, which is payed for by the military.