By anonymous - 01/06/2009 07:05 - Korea Republic of

Today, I asked my mom if I could join my friends in getting lessons in self defense. My mom told me that I didn't need them because my face was a better weapon to repel anyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 211
You deserved it 5 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Inform her that you got all your looks from her.

Start leaving brochures for the worst nursing homes in town laying around the house.


amfann 0

Your mom just burned you lol.

thepunisher_fml 0

hahaha look at her straight in face and tell her.......looks like i inharited my looks from you

ihrtcheese 0
Ariel09 0

LOL@ #3, and if you want to do self-defense do it anyway... It might be fun :p

Tell her you have been ****** by every guy on the football team.