By mommy_issues - 29/08/2009 16:46 - United States

Today, I was curious as to whether or not my mom was off of her medication. When I asked her, she pulled a knife on me. Looks like I got my answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 173
You deserved it 4 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i feel sorry for you, a violent-when-non-medicated mother. how lovely.

I have a friend who has a bipolar Mom. She gets out of hand sometimes (and if I remember right, she's done some violent things). I don't remember something like that happening, but I know how dangerous it can be to live with someone who has bipolar disorder (not from personal experience, just from what my friend has told me). It can be difficult... Hopefully you're okay. Maybe she'll rationalize soon.


idiot mwahhhahahahahhaha hahahahhaahhaahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahahhahahaaahhahahahhahhahhhahahhaha hehe bored...xD

alliemi 0

So wait, what was the answer? Did she take the medication or not?

ReasonsToFly 0

#25's comment is the only decent comment in this whole #1, #1 replies, area. I especially hate #24's comment. If you're bored don't spam FMyLife, you useless ******.

Hey, wow, way to be a douche, #27. Why is the word "******" used so liberally? I'm a lesbian, and I'm pissed off about how everyone seems to use it in such a derogatory way. You wouldn't call #24 a useless ******, would you? How about a useless kike? A useless crip? What the **** is wrong with you? Why is it okay to speculate on his sexual preferences and then use them to call him out? Yeah, he's a ******* idiot, but not a ******. It's sickening. **** you.

Geez, Grimmerie, calm down. FML is not a place for fighting :P who cares what one person says. You bitching them out won't make them stop :P OP: Hahaha, you might wanna get her back on her meds asap.

Calm down Grimmerie, i'm a lesbian WITH a gay male best friend and WE call people faggots and dykes all the time. They've taken on two comletely different meanings. And it's really not gonna change.

Seconding Tobe here. Although I agree with what Grimmerie says too, in that it's one thing when we use the word ****** for fun and a whole other thing when straight people do it to insult us. Just how African Americans sometimes use the n-word for fun with each other, but when it's used as a racist insult by other people, it's a whole different meaning. Because a same word can be used for fun without sting (by the group which would normally be the victim of that word), but when it's used by a different group with a hurtful purpose, it's a whole other thing.

In reply to all the replies to my reply, I wasn't protesting using it in jest or in fun between members of the minority. It's when it's used in derogatory way that it really stings. To be honest I use the word myself, but NEVER to insult another human being. It's the same with words like "******". To those saying it's never going to change: How often is the word "******" used nowadays, compared to even forty years ago? When black people were considered "beneath" Caucasians, before equality, before they were even allowed the right to vote or to marry a white person, speaking of black people in a derogatory manner was perfectly acceptable. The word "******" was acceptable conversation! Now it's mostly used, insultingly, by active white supremesists and teenage idiots. During the Haulocaust, the Jews had countless derogatory words thrown at them, and it was "acceptable" in nations under Nazi rule. Of course, the analogy is rather over-the-top as I realize there's very little prosecution in developed nations now (although homosexuals can still be put to death in many countries). The point I'm trying to make is, language and it's usage changes all the time, because our language is alive. It changes with every generation, who have the power, entirely, to eliminate certain meanings of certain words! Why not, instead of giving up, actually try and do something about it? #43: Please finish elementary school. =(

Shut up. No one needs your two cents. Angry lesbians like you who make everything about you being discriminated on piss everyone off. You know that he wasn't calling the guy/girl/alien/whatever a homosexual; so pull your head out of your ass, and stop taking everything so personally. Also, the word nigga is used A LOT nowadays. What kind of shell are you living in? People HAVE eliminated the original meanings of the words ******, gay, and ******. -.-

i_eat_failure 0

hey grim, shut the hell up u dirty little fagget no o ne cares to hear ur pathetic bitching. now go back to jacking off to ur little lesbo **** u stupid little mistake

if ydi is to having a mom, none of us would be alive today.

falconxvi 0

woah then pull a gun on her =p

Grimmerie, did you know that the word "idiot" actually used to refer to a level of mental retardation? Way to discriminate.

Moonpaper 0

. . . Like anyone who says the word "idiot" means it in a discriminating way.

The point I'm making is that people use "******" in a non-discriminatory way. The same way that people used and continue to use "idiot" in a non-discriminatory way and I'm sure the definition of "idiot" didn't just change to become a politically correct word overnight.

37, you don't need to say African american... for some reason us whites are waaaay too ******* terrified of calling them black... it's no big deal. we get called whites, we simply agree.

yeah seriously grim you should be on meds.. what did ya gain from that evil attack on another person.. calm down.. OP : so basicly your mom pulled a knife on you? time to move out much..? xD

i feel sorry for you, a violent-when-non-medicated mother. how lovely.

skatergirl21 2


i'll write to you....but unfortunately you're a crazy chick and that's just not my thing

Oh my God. **** off, I've seen you on like three FMLs already. Go on Craigslist or something if you want to ***** yourself off, it works for all the other little girls.

xxreikoxx 31

You're number three, chica...someone beat you to it.

noshitsherlock 0

Not every person with bipolar is violent....

well if she pulls out a knife on you, I am gonna guess something is mentally wrong with her, hence why she is on medicine. With somebody like that, you think they would inject the medicine directly into her bloodstream or have her locked up

I have a friend who has a bipolar Mom. She gets out of hand sometimes (and if I remember right, she's done some violent things). I don't remember something like that happening, but I know how dangerous it can be to live with someone who has bipolar disorder (not from personal experience, just from what my friend has told me). It can be difficult... Hopefully you're okay. Maybe she'll rationalize soon.

the thing about bipolar disorder is that u have no impulse control and emotions are so strong there is nothing else. its not dangerous to live with one of us though. asshole. god u make it sound like the mentally ill should be rounded up like wild animals. u know what happens when I have a mood swing I can't sleep and I rearange my house.... sometimes I get angry then I draw. its called coping skills.

Dude....sounds like your mother needs professional help if being off her medication will get her to have homicidal urges.

Meh. Flicking out a good ol' pocketknife is good for you, I totally do that all the time. Now if it were it were a katana or some other morbidly creepifying instrument of destruction, that would be slightly unsettling.