By Anonymous - 29/11/2014 21:54 - United States - North Adams

Today, I asked my girlfriend's father for permission to take his daughter's hand in marriage. He asked me "Which one?" I said "Uh, the one I'm dating... Lisa." He belched and said, "Yeah sure, throw 'er off a cliff for all I care. Piss off, boy." So much for chivalry. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 484
You deserved it 3 742

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good on you. Hopefully you don't have to deal with him too much in the future

That was classy to ask for his blessing. It sucks that you may have a classless asshole for a father in law.


Funnily enough, the father has no say in the marriage so I don't get why you asked him...

i like how all the comments are about how the father doesn't know which of his daughters are in the relationship with the guy... what if they're twins? lol I'm just saying. don't go and downvote me now. ut the father is a turd tho.

Asking about the dowery may be a waste of time also... especially after you tell him what it means.

I hope you treat with more respect he does

Chivalry = sexism by objectifying women.

0o0o0 9

Chivalry is about fighting fairly.

that isn't chivalry. chivalry is a code that knights used to follow for proper battle etiquette.

By "which" he meant "which hand", not " which daughter".

Parvati48 15

Well at least you asked her dad out of respect OP, sucks he has none for his daughter though.

I think you're fantastic for being classy enough to ask him! Sorry your father in law is going to be a dick though

Dang what kind of family did you get yourself into haha