By Daughter of a Dork - 14/09/2018 17:30 - United States - New York

Today, my dad demanded that I break up with my cheating boyfriend. With that revelation, I did some investigating on my own. The other woman is apparently my boyfriend's "cute little" Marshadow that slaughtered my dad's "godlike" Incineroar in a 3DS battle they had. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 782
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is hilarious! Keep in mind, that "cute little" Marshadow is a legendary Pokemon. No wonder it kicked your dad's Incineroar's ass.

Nah, your dad is right. Dude's gotta go. No one messes with a man's Incineroar.


Nah, your dad is right. Dude's gotta go. No one messes with a man's Incineroar.

I totally agree. You don’t **** with a person’s starter. That’s like kicking a person’s mother

blightsight 10

I mean, it’s not like there is a ******* National and World tournament where people can win actually money, or at least hundreds of thousands of players.

blightsight 10

You sure as hell aren't winning any tournaments

Just because you don’t know shit doesn’t mean other people are ignorant. Google is a thing. Educate yourself. Btw I have won a tournament before, you can delete your comment, doesn’t mean I don’t see it

blightsight 10

Why would I bother to delete my comment? I stand by what I say, no matter what you people think.

“Never go against the family” -Don Corleone Dump him!

This is hilarious! Keep in mind, that "cute little" Marshadow is a legendary Pokemon. No wonder it kicked your dad's Incineroar's ass.

To be fair, the only advantage that Marshadow has is its Fighting type over Incineroar’s Dark type.

so are we just gonna ignore the insane speed difference and slight power boost? not to mention the insane move pool.

It's especially amusing that the Marshadow is being referred to as "the other woman" because Marshadow is genderless.

cptncuttlefish 24

Real men win without legendaries, he’s gotta go!

Time to find some men and get rid of the little boys 🙄😏

You need to amend your screenname to include Boyfriend of a Dork, too. #whosaysgirlsdontmarryaguyjustliketheirdads

It would seem women really do look for men who resemble their fathers. #FreudWasRight