By Jen - 09/11/2010 03:36 - Australia

Today, I arrived home to find I'd been broken in to. The culprit? An obese homeless man, who I found face down, unconscious, and surrounded by muesli bar wrappers in my pantry. He broke in, ate everything in sight, soiled himself, and passed out. The worst part? The cops don't even believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 802
You deserved it 2 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Ma'am, please tell your husband to get off of the ground and change himself. We need to continue this investigation."

PurplePigeon 0

I'm pretty sure once the cops get there and see a poo covered, crumby fat guy sleeping on your floor...they won't be able to deny it. :/ that would scare me immensely to come home to something like that.


I hate homeless people they used to raid my house all the time ):

ok first you ring 000 and tell them he is armed with a knife. 2nd place kitchen knife in his hand vic cops will shoot just about anyone for ***** and giggles.... sa cops to stoned to care..... qld cops will turn up only after a bribe has been paid, then plant evidence on him that they kindly brought with them.... wa cops will make the homeless man vanish.... nsw cops will first ring the "police integrity" to ask what they should do IF they decided to turn up, and bitch and moan all the way there. then pretend they cant find him once they are there... tassie cops are either in bed with a close relative or growing the dope for the sa coppers... guess your better off buying a big dog :) #47 unfortunately most if not all states here in oz do not have the allowance for shooting someone in self defense and in most cases have laws totally against it .. worst. is most states here have law still in place stating, that if the CRIM that brakes into YOUR home and gets hurt, he CAN SUE YOU.. yeah unfair

fake...the cops never dont believe something because there are lawsuits if they dont show up

padma_yeshe_dawa 0

That's horrible! you poor thing!

777conrad 2

I'm going to have to call bullshit on this one

tykiej 0

Call the police back & tell them you had to shoot him im self defense.

skyeyez9 24

You better toss out your toothbrushes, hairbrush and bar of soap too. I bet the bum helped himself to those items as well.

Sailor_Crackhead 0

Roll him out of your house/flat and leave him. Then go have a nice bath and scrub everything clean in your kitchen.