
By MySisterIsA - 10/03/2022 00:01

Today, my ex-husband and the woman he left me for, also known as my sister, are getting married. On my birthday. My mom is gleefully helping plan the wedding. She seriously sees nothing wrong, and tells me to “stop being a Bitter Betty and be happy for your sister.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 758
You deserved it 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have a horrible family I’m sorry

xxWTFxx1981 23

Yeah, that's just plain F'd up especially the part about doing it on your birthday that had to be intentional. I say it all the time blood don't mean jack if they don't treat you with respect you don't need them in your life.


You have a horrible family I’m sorry

don't be sorry. her family is messed up if they think this is okay.

xxWTFxx1981 23

Yeah, that's just plain F'd up especially the part about doing it on your birthday that had to be intentional. I say it all the time blood don't mean jack if they don't treat you with respect you don't need them in your life.

Bitter Betty, birthdays are overrated. Now your family can celebrate your sister's anniversary on that date instead. If they forget your birthday, you won't age.

slhiggx 17

That’s very insensitive of your mother. I don’t want to be that person. But it seems obvious they chose your birth date for a reason. Shame on them. You are much better off without your ex husband. Your mom, your sister, and your relationship with them… need some work. They don’t seem like they have much respect for you. Even if you were the worst wife, sister, or daughter. This just is petty, atrocious, and a valid reason to cut them out of your life.

The way their relationship started, I could not see this marriage last.

Run. Run far, run fast, and never turn back. You won't be losing anything or anyone important.

Grincha 14

wow. im not evsn sorry for saying this but you for sure leave all them. live your life gurl far away from them. aaaaaand also making their wedding "interesting" should be a good idea

Hire a mariachi band to play loudly outside while they get married and then never contact any of them ever again.