By fat - 07/01/2014 12:41 - United States - Lancaster

Today, I mentioned to my boyfriend that I want to start working out and get rid of my holiday weight. His response? "Okay, just don't join a gym. People will have to see you there." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 222
You deserved it 4 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully he meant guys might find you attractive and hit on you. :P

Your bf sounds like a jerk. If he can't like you for what you look like, you need to find someone who does. Dump his ass to the curb.


Your bf sounds like a jerk. If he can't like you for what you look like, you need to find someone who does. Dump his ass to the curb.

I don't think she should dump him for a single remark, but she should definitely talk to him about it. OP- I hope that your boyfriend just phrased that very badly, although what else he could have meant I'm not sure. If he meant it offensively, then he's an asshole.

Kinda sounds like OP was the one who made the decision to lose weight. Or is it now politically incorrect to want to lose fat yourself? FFS. So many bleeding hearts in the comments lately.

CaiDog 20

#17 I don't think you understand what's going on. Your comment isn't really relevant to this thread

But he DOES like her, no matter what she looks like. He's still with her, clearly he doesn't care about her weight. I don't get the people in these comments. If he dumped her because she got fat, you'd all say he's an asshole for caring about weight. Here, he is still with her when she gets fat, and you guys say he should like her for her appearance. What the hell.

Maybe he meant that he doesn't want anyone else looking at her? Or it was a joke? I mean we have no context, so everyone should probably stop getting so intense.

Maybe he was just trying to watch out for her. Maybe since she didn't seem that happy about her weight, didn't want her going to the gym and seeing all the extremely fit people, and then have her be harder on herself. He might have been just watching out for her, just in a poorly worded way.

kellyem2 20

Absolutely. No one should have to put up with somebody that would say something like that about them.

evan_7899 28

Maybe OP's boyfriend was concerned about chubby chasers, they like em large and said boyfriend was aware of the enemy, and took preventative measures to keep OP in his arms. That's one way to see it.

Hopefully he meant guys might find you attractive and hit on you. :P

True true my wife had a bit of fat on her when we met when we were 14 but hey we're still together and were both 28 now and we both have very athletic bodies so OP don't worry it was probably just like what #2 said.

14 years together meeting at the age of 14? That's very rare but awesome!!

Just run around the block where he lives do his neighbours recognise you then ;)

This is FML, not Happy Life. Words such as hooray make no sense on this particular FML.

Why are you even with him? Does he also make excuses to not be seen in public with you?

Look at her name though even she calls herself fat

jazzy_123 20

I think some grammar would have helped...

that doesn't make it ok. she obviously has low self-esteem if 1. she calls herself fat 2. she lets her BF talk to her like that there is no need to be an ass by adding to it. grow up.

No matter what other people say, make sure you try your hardest and stay committed! I know words are discouraging but confidence is key to having a healthy lifestyle :)

Hopefully he was joking. Congrats on making that decision though, OP.

Simple solution: Wear a burka! Just be careful not to get it snagged in any of the machines.