By Anonymous - 17/10/2015 13:17 - United States - Gadsden

Today, I accidentally Googled "best types of incest" instead of "best types of incense" on the family computer. The parental controls went nuts. I'm now grounded, and my parents are convinced I need psychiatric help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 634
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justcommenting19 19

I'm sorry but it's Alabama. Of course they wouldn't believe you about that.

Don't be too nice to your parents now, or they might get the wrong idea.


justcommenting19 19

I'm sorry but it's Alabama. Of course they wouldn't believe you about that.

whyme203 15

My thoughts exactly when I read the location lol

What happens in Alabama stays in Alabama. No wait..

Murilirum 23

What happens in Alabama stays in the family **

At least he didn't type "beast type of incest"

I feel like he meant to type that but he said he didn't so people feel bad for

Don't be too nice to your parents now, or they might get the wrong idea.

This comment made my day. But yeah OP, FYL. Sometimes bad luck loves us.

sometimes, autocorrect will switch it right when you press enter making double checking redundant

Double check google? Come on, if it was a text then maybe but not a google search!

sylvienoir 18

Jeez, over protective parents are the the worst. Maybe once they calm down they'll see reason.

*looks at location* well, can't blame the parents

OP, you're from Alabama. You should know full well that any incest is the best incest. "Incest is the best. **** your family, screw the rest."

Oh gosh, OP...tell your parents it was a typo!!!!! I can't stand when parents act like wonder this country has gone to Hell..

but parental blocks don't go nuts unless you click the links.

countryb_cth 38

Not always. I know some you can program that when a certain word or phrase is typed they kick in.

Incest, a game the whole family can play!