By Anonymous - 25/08/2016 03:50 - United States - Fishers

Today, eight tornados hit the town where I live. The only person who tried to get a hold of me and see if I was OK was my World of Warcraft guild leader after I didn't show up to raid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 528
You deserved it 1 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps your local friends and neighbors had more pressing duties to get to, like their own families and their own lives to sort out before they could get around to seeing that you were ok.


Either that or he needed a healer :)

This is oddly relevant. The guild I'm in raided on Wednesday, and one of our guildies got caught in this tornado mess. And she was one of our healers.

Sasha_94 13

At least someone checked still.

Rocket___Candy 24

Holy crap, eight tornadoes is a lot. Hopefully you and everyone around you is okay, and hopefully there wasn't too much damage

There was a total Of 35 tornados between Indiana and Ohio yesterday evening/ night. I live close to the Indiana state line.

Starbucks was destroyed. It was scary. Tornados like this don't usually come to Indiana

Perhaps your local friends and neighbors had more pressing duties to get to, like their own families and their own lives to sort out before they could get around to seeing that you were ok.

pretty sure he means more that his family didnt even call or try to see if he was ok the only person that carred was an internet friend

Pretty sure he was saying his family didn't call.

Exactly. He clearly wasn't referring to the other people hit by the tornados.

If they live somewhere else, perhaps they hadn't heard the news yet? I don't really check the news, so I often don't know what's up (even big events) until a few days later. This is especially true if they live far away and are unlikely to hear reports from OP's area. That being said, since OP made the FML, it's seems more likely he knows his family just doesn't care :(

Remember too, if someone doesn't hear the news and has no idea the tornados even happened, you won't receive the call either!

And hey, at least you know that you're guild leader cares about and values you! They are a good friend to have

And how many people did you reach out to, to see if they were okay?

Hey that's still pretty cool atleast it shows that your guild leader truly values you as a member