By gimpy - 23/06/2016 15:00 - United States - Panama City

Today, I was carrying my coffee from the kitchen to the coffee table and couch. Last week I had ACL surgery, so I'm on crutches. Unfortunately, I got the urge to sneeze on my walk to the couch. I didn't make it to the couch before I sneezed and spilled coffee everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 245
You deserved it 1 256

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe consider a sippy cup until you're feeling better? You wouldn't want to burn yourself by accident!

In your condition, I'd be equally concerned about whether or not you were burned, and how to clean up the mess.


Maybe consider a sippy cup until you're feeling better? You wouldn't want to burn yourself by accident!

In your condition, I'd be equally concerned about whether or not you were burned, and how to clean up the mess.

Life came that day just to **** your shit up. Happier times coming ahead OP!

At least you didn't spill the coffee on your couch in that case

Hey, that happened to me too. Broke my ankle. Then had to clean the mess up alone. Wasn't fun. Hope you feel better soon!

next time think of purple dinosaurs. it tends to work

Having had ACL surgery and crutches a few years back I wonder: how did you carry the coffee in the first place? It's not like you have any hands free. Next time consider putting the coffee in a thermos and carrying it and the cup in a bag. Get better soon!

Using just one crotch and having a free hand. I did that after my ankle repair surgery when I needed something and no one was home to get it for me. Or OP carried it by the rim of the cup in their mouth.

LMAO!! I'm so stupid to get sooo giggle ****** over this!

YDI, You easily could have chugged the coffee before you sat down. What a waste of good coffee OP!