By Anonymous - 23/04/2012 09:51 - United States

Today, due to nervousness, I threw up while proposing to my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 250
You deserved it 3 798

Same thing different taste


23chicagobulls01 0

Gross did you throw up on her???

speedsk8r4evr 1

Aww, sorry to hear that man! Hope she still said yes anyway! I can't even begin to imagine how embarrassed you were. Best wishes!

jennisauraus 0

Did u eat your words? Maybe they were trying to come back up.

this is actually really cute! it shows how much you really love her. proposing is tough and it shows that you really care about her if you threw up because you were nervous. if you two are really meant to be, she will get over the throw up and understand how much you actually love her.

annejayy 7

At least it will be an interesting story one day...?(:

hope it worked out, thats some true love there lol

What a great story to tell your kids!

Inediblepeaches 15

Wow walking down the aisle is going to be difficult I'm sorry

That's actually kind of cute in a weird way. At least she said yes! (I assume... pretty sure you would have included that in your FML if she said no ;P )