By climber - 21/04/2017 20:00

Today, after climbing 8 flight of stairs due to electricity outage, I got to work only to find the office locked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 279
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

Time to ask for a raise: "The only thing stronger than these calves is my work ethic!"

If you're carrying a briefcase or something long and sturdy, use it to surf the steps back to the bottom!


HalfLit 17

Be happy you can climb 8 flights of stairs, and that you don't have to work today.

Druu 53

Time to ask for a raise: "The only thing stronger than these calves is my work ethic!"

Feel the burn OP!! This might become a regular thing depending on how quickly it gets fixed. An apartment building in Pasadena some friends of mine live in; they're elevator hasn't been fixed for eight years!!

GreenReaper 13

Really? You're friends with Sheldon and Leonard?

If you're carrying a briefcase or something long and sturdy, use it to surf the steps back to the bottom!

I don't trust stairs.. they're always up to something.

Hey at least you didn't skip leg day! Nice effort onto going to work though! Keep it up!

guess you were the only one to make the journey up to the office

if the power is out. why would the office be open? you need power to run a phone.