By Anonymous - 24/05/2017 20:00 - United States - Brooklyn

Today, at my first day of work at a new job, I got stuck in the elevator going to the parking garage. I have claustrophobia about both elevators and parking garages. They said this never happens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 136
You deserved it 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask them to install some stairs. Or a ladder or something. Can buildings legally only have elevators? Probably not. Use the stairs.

Glad you're okay OP. Be proud of yourself!!


Glad you're okay OP. Be proud of yourself!!

Beatriz_Moretti 1

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Ask them to install some stairs. Or a ladder or something. Can buildings legally only have elevators? Probably not. Use the stairs.

Druu 53

I guarantee you there are stairs. It's very American to be lazy and take the elevator. I too dislike elevators, so I usually walk if it's not a ridiculous number of flights of stairs.

Pretty sure it's a fire safety violation for them to not have stairs. I kinda think OP doesn't know what "claustrophobic" means if they were in the elevator to begin with.

Look at the bright side: the only way is up from here.

species4872 19

See, you done such a good job on your first day they didn't want you to leave.

The elevators could mall your fear. They know now.

Don't worry, its almost summer, santa isnt coming for quite a few months