By FYLyfer - 26/10/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, while at Wendy's with my boyfriend, I realized that he made more pleasure sounds when eating his Baconator than he did while sleeping with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 033
You deserved it 5 615

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what did you expect? few things rank above sex... and bacon is one of them lol

Mx_Rider 6

p.s have him eat a baconater while he bones u doggystyle :D


Mx_Rider 6

well under stand them baconaters are ******* great

Well some bacon Is fresh and juicy yours is not

maby you are doing something wrong... but then again, baconators are amazing!!! it's called a stomach ****** ;)

Mx_Rider 6

p.s have him eat a baconater while he bones u doggystyle :D

novman vould handle that it would result in instant cummage

Try some new positions! It's your new challenge. Say some nasty things to him. heh

At first, I thought you said "Say some tasty things to him." And I was like, "This guy's got the right idea."

xxcrazybestiexx 0

Your fault for not pleasing his needs better than a burger! lol. It's ok. A burger can do ALLl the things you can.

KaylinGee 0

what did you expect? few things rank above sex... and bacon is one of them lol

perdix 29

Three words: Bacon flavored douche.

DCCookie5 0

That depends. You good in the sack?