By KS - 17/02/2009 20:52 - United States

Today, at the end of a really long day my boyfriend was rubbing my back. I told him I appreciated how sensitive he was being. His response? "I was just trying to figure out how to unhook your bra." FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 308
You deserved it 8 948

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bahahahaha.... how does trying to get your bra off at all feel like a back rub? Also, unhooking a bra is a two second ordeal while you're sober - why was he having so much trouble? o.0

Look, if he can't figure out how to unhook a bra, you should probably dump him because he's liable to get into a horrible accident with something simple like an egg beater. It's not safe cracking, it's a frigging bra. I can unhook the damn thing with two fingers.


Dirrtyrice 0

your boyfriend has no skills....weak

merv243 0

"figure out?" It's pretty much the most simple of mechanisms

lol! that's funny. at least he was being honest =P

That has got to be the most epic fail ever. Sounds like an awesome guy though.

kloklo_fml 0

atleast he has a smart way of learning but obviously isnt a smooth talker..

This isn't a bad thing! I've noticed a lot of guys have trouble with the's really not that hard...

cutiecaq13 0

Dude, my BF of like 5 months still has that problem lol its cute I think and even i sometimes have issues with it lol the only fml thing about that is that you couldn't figure out thats what he was doing.

ryderthe8 0

either use the right over left trick or scizzors haha i hate them. my friend that was a girl taught me forever on how to unhook it