By ooblie - 08/12/2010 08:22 - United States

Today, after receiving a lovely massage from my boyfriend, I was lying topless in bed beside him. Just as I was thinking this would be the perfect opportunity for some intimacy, he looks at me and says, "my mom is SO awesome." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 954
You deserved it 4 012

Same thing different taste


awkward silence... especially caus u have no shirt on...

threesome? come on! you know Im not the only one thinking it....right?

MrsLender_fml 3

So what? Climb on top of him and then say "Okay and now I'll show you how awesome I am!"

mz_booty 0

Op, take your little mommas boy and show him how to be a man(;

RedPillSucks 31

While singing at the top of her lungs... her: In just seven days, I can make you a Maaahaaahaaahaahaaannn!! him:Maamaaaaaaa ooooohhoooooh. Didn't mean to make you crrrryyyyy!

sourgirl101 28

27 knows what's up!(: OP massages are the best! Gotta love a man that's great with his hands!(: On you, not just himself)

sourgirl101 28

27 knows what's up!(: OP massages are the best! Gotta love a man that's great with his hands!(: On you, not just himself)

zkchild 0
zakkyzebra 11

@56, rocky horror picture show ftw!

SilenceIsSilver 0

Maybe she is, so why don't you grab him by the shirt, say "that's wonderful. Let's have sex." and get it on?

he was saying your boobs look like his moms. your boobs are old and saggy!

Quest_ 13

Three hours and twenty two minutes!

RedPillSucks 31

Quest, WTF??? OP, were you lying face up, or face down?

mylifesucksserio 15

leave thats creepy, he shouldn't be thinking of his mother whilst your topless.

I was not aware they have a distinct smell?

They smell like "awesome". Which is kind of a mix of Patchouli and Astroglide.

lovexbox 8