By mynameisnotdrew - 17/02/2009 17:19 - United States

Today, after some very passionate sex with my girlfriend, she exclaimed, "That was amazing Drew." She quickly tried to turn "Drew" into my actual name, which doesn't sound anything like Drew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 038
You deserved it 4 108

Same thing different taste


KarinaLizeth18 5

haha!! mmmm this is unfortunately very funny O.o sorry xD

Well maybe she meant you Drew her closer to.... Nope your life is f***ed.

perfect chance to get it on with that hottie at your office, without worries. Oh yeah, wrap it up with this sweetie pie of yours and get tested. See that, its the silver lining.

That's awful. I really feel for you. I propose that everyone named Drew you meet for the next week, you slap. You're bound to get him.

gsh12095 0

atleast she thought it was amazing