
By Anonymous - 13/05/2023 14:00 - United Kingdom - Barnsley

Today, my brother tried to sit on my head and fart, except he followed through. It didn’t make it past his trousers but for a few brief seconds before he ran to the bathroom I could smell it and feel how warm it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 857
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Listen to poopface! This is an expert on the topic.

that dude you know 4


So…he shat on you. You know what you must do next.

Listen to poopface! This is an expert on the topic.

This is the ******* funniest comment ive read in a long time

that dude you know 4

The obvious question is: Does he have a normal body temperature and healthy digestion?