By Anonymous - 05/05/2017 21:00 - Colombia

Today I returned home after three months of vacation. None of my friends had even realized I had left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 322
You deserved it 586

Top comments

Iuliaaa 8

Well me and my friends talk rarely, but that doesn't mean that they are bad friends. We just all have busy schedules. Being an adult sucks I guess haha

UOFreak07 8

3 month vacation??!! how did you pull that off??


Iuliaaa 8

Well me and my friends talk rarely, but that doesn't mean that they are bad friends. We just all have busy schedules. Being an adult sucks I guess haha

PinkHairandInk 19

Sorry OP, that stinks. I have to ask though, did you tell them you were leaving?

You quiet ones always turn out to be serial killers. Now that you're back from international killing spree, your "friends" are going to end up chopped into pieces in your freezer. Welcome home!

Hey dude stop watching too much crime-tv shows. It's messing your head. Just sayin'.

If you are that unmemorable and so little asset to your friends' lives, then you need to be a better friend. If one or two didn't notice, that might be an FML. If none of them noticed, that's on you.

Would your name happen to be Kellam, by any chance?

UOFreak07 8

3 month vacation??!! how did you pull that off??

Many of my friends wouldn't know because the majority of our contact it via email/text/messenger etc. Others would notice if they didn't see me for two days.

On the bright side you didn't have to bring souvenirs. LOL