I'm too old for this shit

By HateCelebz - 15/09/2023 06:00

Today, I went out for drinks with two 18 year-old girls and a 30 year-old woman. I'm 53, and wanted to hook up with the 30 year-old. She got drunk after an hour and went home in a taxi, meanwhile the two 18 year-olds drank me under the table. I'm sat with them trying to sober up so I can walk home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 145
You deserved it 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Trying to hook up with someone 23 years your junior is still hella sketchy, and I don't blame her for going home if she picked up on it. And 18 year olds often have way more alcohol tolerance than you'd expect, I'm not surprised about that part at all.

Together they make 36, so a threesome would've been in your wheelhouse.


Together they make 36, so a threesome would've been in your wheelhouse.

You deserved it… blend with people your own age

people my age are sat watching tv every night with their boring lives. i like women no matter what the age

Trying to hook up with someone 23 years your junior is still hella sketchy, and I don't blame her for going home if she picked up on it. And 18 year olds often have way more alcohol tolerance than you'd expect, I'm not surprised about that part at all.

i was married to a woman 20 years younger than me for 13 years, i like intelligent younger women

So you are 53...13 years of marriage so if you divorced this year that means you married at 40, with someone 20years younger, so 20 years . Or even younger, because you might have been divorced for longer. Sir, that marriage does NOT defend your position.

53 and 30 is not sketchy at all. they are both 2 consinting adults. the 30 year old is close to middle age for God's sake.

You are both wrong. The person you replied to is wrong, because at 30y old, they can decide for themselves whether or not to date 20years older or not. You don't need to call people out for being creeps, we can call them creeps ourselves as we are not young adults. You are wrong, because it's still sketchy. I just had my 32th birthday, all the +50y olds at work were going "ohhh to be that young". Most of them have kids my age...OR OLDER. They constantly vibe protectiveness towards me. And there's still a HUGE generation gap there, I grew up with the internet becoming a thing, they're the one's that either don't trust anything on the internet or give their banking info to a nigerian prince. Just because you don't need to defend anyone because they can take care of themselves, does not make it not sketchy. It is however none of our business. People are allowed to be sketchy.

thanks. women mature younger than men, thats what i believe

I hope you learned a valuable lesson about competing with a hyperactive teenager's metabolism...:P