By Anonymous - 01/04/2016 12:55 - Ukraine - Kiev

Today, after weeks of being engaged and with the wedding date planned, I finally told my parents. They told me it was my best April Fool's joke ever. I should've waited one more day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 422
You deserved it 5 674

Same thing different taste

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I see you even got a fake ring and fake wedding guest list ....very , very elaborate son. Well done .

blcksocks 19

Everyone is skeptical about everything today. You need proof to back anything you claim on April 1.


Tell them again tomorrow, like its the first time you're bringing it up!

Well it's not the best day to tell people such things but congratulations and hopefully many happy years

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Why shouldn't have the OP waited? Some people want to tell everyone right away and that's cool but; maybe the OP wanted to enjoy the little bubble of happiness with their partner for a little while before bringing other people into it. that doesn't make them bad. Where's your sense of romance?

Redgy22 26

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Some people aren't close to their families, or the family may be overbearing and take over all plans. It's a bit hard to know why they waited.

*gasp* Don't you know opinions are worthless here?

I agree partly. If you don't want to tell people straight away that's fine. But they've only got themselves to blame when they wait until April fools day to announce it. It's a bit silly

I see you even got a fake ring and fake wedding guest list ....very , very elaborate son. Well done .

blcksocks 19

Everyone is skeptical about everything today. You need proof to back anything you claim on April 1.

I don't trust you. where is your proof?

ulissey_fml 22

At least they did not tell your loved one in the face as you were introducing her to the family, so count yourself lucky.

Not to raise alarm but my sister's getting married today too and they worried about this happening to them

Don't worry. My parents called all of their friends exactly one week before they got married (on April 8th), and all of their friends and family thought it was an April Fool's Day joke. Imagine having to re-explain to 200 or so people that you're actually getting married and that it's not some great big April Fool's scheme.

koburnicus 2

you should reset the wedding date to next year April 1st just get see their reaction lol