By mackamuir - 01/04/2016 13:01 - Australia - Gold Coast

Today, my roommate played a crazy April Fool's joke on me by not paying his rent this month. Good one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 952
You deserved it 1 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should play an april fool's prank on him... leave all his stuff on the side of the road and tell him to move out.

There's a difference between an April Fool's prank and just being a plain asshole. Your roommate is an asshole.


There's a difference between an April Fool's prank and just being a plain asshole. Your roommate is an asshole.

DamnitSeth 13

Someone here does not seem to understand sarcasm....

I don't know why you're getting thumbed down #10. I think some people (?Americans - kidding!) genuinely don't get that this FML contains sarcasm.

expertsmilee 26

Just lose faith in humanity as a general rule of thumb my, it'll save you a lot of wasted effort and hope later on down the road.

I hope he paid his rent on April 2nd. otherwise that's no April Fool's joke.

You should play an april fool's prank on him... leave all his stuff on the side of the road and tell him to move out.

Take the money out of his account directly April Fools ;)

Prank him by throwing him out. Now you're even.

Difference between a prank and a dick move. That's a dick move.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Pretty sure you just re-worded #1's comment.

I sense a pattern developing in today's FMLs…

Say you didn't have your half of the rent!

"I didn't have my half of the rent." That was fun! I should do that more often.

play a crazy prank on him by roofying his drink and chopping off his testicles

Well you took that straight to a very dark place....

Please 10, where's the sarcasm? I want to understand it too.

That not paying his rent was an April Fools joke...? That's sarcasm. Because it wasn't a prank, he just didn't pay his rent.

DamnitSeth 13

It's people like you, 11, that make me think humanity has lost all usage of our brains. Then I look at people like 13 and thank the stars above there's at least one more person.

You do realize that there's a reply button right?