Now listen here, you lot…

By Angelthecat - 06/03/2020 00:01

Today, I sent out a Happy Snow Day text to 20 of my closest friends. My boyfriend, who doesn't have an iPhone, didn't realize it was a group text. He sent back a text breaking up with me. To all the people in the group message. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 937
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Aw that’s rough. I’m sorry OP, but at least all your friends know he’s a tool who breaks up over text and you deserve better.


ojoRojo 27

Aw that’s rough. I’m sorry OP, but at least all your friends know he’s a tool who breaks up over text and you deserve better.

Boyufd 24

breaking up though text isn't necessary bad at all just depends on the reason

Marcella1016 31

Where the hell is it snowing?! We’ve gotten like half an inch in DC all winter and it’s basically springtime now 😕 Is that not happening everywhere??

I live in the upper peninsula of Michigan and we just got a foot of snow last night and it's still snowing hard this morning

Wow, that's cold. Pretty funny that it happened on Snow Day. In time, you'll see the humor in this.

WistayShlaio82 13

I’ve never been in a relationship, but breaking up with someone over text seems like a coward move.

Even if you don’t have an iPhone, you can still see it’s a group text. He was being a dick and wanted people to know....

too bad when you get a group text from an iphone on an android it just comes through as a regular text from the sender and when you reply it only sends to them