By letdown13 - 03/04/2013 16:50 - United States - Binghamton

Today, my husband told me to look for a honeymoon resort, since we had to cancel it last year. I looked everything up and got all excited. Just when I asked him for payment information, he said "April Fools!" April Fools was two days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 453
You deserved it 3 471

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tonight, wear something really sexy to bed. Make all the right moves and say all the right things. Get him all worked up, then slam your legs shut, looked him straight in the eye and say, "APRIL FOOLS RIGHT BACK AT CHA ASSHOLE!"

saucyrossi 18


Just think of how much money you are saving

kevinnicki4life 9

Just think of how disappointed she is that her husband did that.

ZacZ 8

Just think of how much happiness they're saving!

kalejaxson 5

Better late than never. You have the rest of the month to get him back.

saucyrossi 18
twaumat 28

well its not 'April first' saying 'april third' is dumb.

In that case, since its "April Fools", you can fool anyone all month. Let the pranking begin!

yoursucklives 36

His jokes are apparently not too funny.

The husband needs to be reminded what it's like to be slapped across the face. Dang. Men, NEVER turn down an opportunity for a get away with your significant other. Unless of course they didn't have the funds... Then you'd just be contributing to our already suckish economy.. And no one likes a bum!

ArielTheMermaid 17

It amazes me how many people suggest divorce for small things like this. Yeah, it was an asshole move, but it'll pass

If I was #5's husband, I would probably divorce her for that comment.

That wasn't even funny that's just stupid. Some people take April Fools too far I hope you get him back somehow OP

"well it isn't even April Fools, so therefore you have to be serious." Who's the fool now?

skyenoelle 15

Sounds like a great opportunity for some revenge "April fools" jokes.

Yeah, like book one ticket, tell him to pack for the trip, and leave without him at the terminal.

Tonight, wear something really sexy to bed. Make all the right moves and say all the right things. Get him all worked up, then slam your legs shut, looked him straight in the eye and say, "APRIL FOOLS RIGHT BACK AT CHA ASSHOLE!"

FYL OP, your husband sounds like an ass. Maybe you can reach a compromise and do a weekend getaway instead? You should find a way to get back at him though.

McNikk 15

On the bright side, now you can start planning YOUR April fools prank for next year. And you can make it extra special.