By newscomes - 14/10/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, after watching the news, I realized the only person who has ever wished that I had a good day, or wished that I had anything pleasant for that matter, is Charlie Gibson on World News Tonight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 590
You deserved it 3 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... he's not actually talking specifically to you. They record him on camera and broadcast the video to your home at the same time as everyone else's. He may not even know who you are. Sorry.


Yeah, when i read this i was about to say... Have you never been to a store before?

What about FPS Russia to those of you who watch YouTube.

Aww. Well I honestly hope that you have a wonderful day and be safe! And don't worry, life gets better! :-)

Not necessarily. It can always get worse.

Actually it gets worse more then half the time. I hope you have a good day but... Hoping won't do much so get out there and Make it happen!

v1kt4r 13

Have a great week my good man

I seriously doubt this is true. It really sounds like you're just in a slump, and you're just saying negative things. Buck up, chipper.

thats awesome!!! I dont have the worst life!!!!!!! YESSSSSSS!!!!!

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... he's not actually talking specifically to you. They record him on camera and broadcast the video to your home at the same time as everyone else's. He may not even know who you are. Sorry.

+2 awesome points for even living up to your username. *wipes tear from eye* Thank you.

Kristoffer 35

Paul Harvey always ended his news shows with "Good day"

I'm going to need an explanation for why this is on FML.