By Pimp53X - 15/10/2009 01:16 - Australia

Today, I woke up very hung over after a big party last night. As I walked into my kitchen to make something to eat, I noticed a weird smell. Turns out my friend had thrown up in my freezer, and then turned off my whole fridge so "it wouldn't freeze and be hard for me to clean up in the morning." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 965
You deserved it 4 878

Pimp53X tells us more.

haha, well i was annoyed at first, but he is one of my best mates. And i couldn't say that i had never done something really stupid why'll drunk....not as bad as what he did but still bad =P. We talked about it the next day and at the time he thought it was a good idea to turn of the fridge, but once sober he relised like poster #10 did, that frozen puke would have been easier to clean =P. I'm currently eating most of my meals at his place until he can A) get rid of the smell and disinfect the whole thing. Or B) buy me a new fridge. How would you guys have gone about it?

Top comments

why'll = my new most favourite creative attempt at spelling, *ever*

Dude, you are ******* epic for: - Replying to your post - Doing so in a reasonable fashion - Letting us know how it was resolved - Not getting defensive or hostile - Asking honest opinions/advice Your friend actually seems like a pretty nice guy, too. Owning up to it and letting you eat at his place for now and all that.


instead of 'dumping yer friend', vomit in their freezer and call it even.

killerviral 0

yea and poop in there water tank for there toilet

Make your friend clean it up and pay to replace everything in your fridge and freezer! And forbid this "friend" from drinking at your house FOREVER

He's a dumbass, lol, but a considerate dumbass to say the least!

u had to have expected something like that 2 happen if ur gonna have a party at your house.

what kind of freak parties do you go to? where someone throwing up in weird places is expected? I'm just asking because i'm jealous, they sound like frucking awesome parties.

Why do people lack self control when they go to parties? Really? Is it that hard to keep the drink amount to a minimum? You don't NEED to puke your liver out in order to be cool.

lambiman91 0

thats why you should smoke weed instead of drinking: you drink too much, and youre on the floor puking. you smoke too much you get the munchies

Actually... You can get hungover from weed... Believe me...

justlaxin2 0

I think cleaning frozen puke is easier to clean than regular puke, it should just break off like ice lol

haha, well i was annoyed at first, but he is one of my best mates. And i couldn't say that i had never done something really stupid why'll drunk....not as bad as what he did but still bad =P. We talked about it the next day and at the time he thought it was a good idea to turn of the fridge, but once sober he relised like poster #10 did, that frozen puke would have been easier to clean =P. I'm currently eating most of my meals at his place until he can A) get rid of the smell and disinfect the whole thing. Or B) buy me a new fridge. How would you guys have gone about it?

Me personally? I'd limit people's drinks during the party, especially since I'm a bit of a clean freak. Dun need people pissing or puking all over the place. I'm considering buying a fridge/freezer that has a built in lock in it now, just to prevent this from happening to me in the future.

why'll = my new most favourite creative attempt at spelling, *ever*

lol, that would be a good idea, a fridge/freezer with a lock =P. Lol, i tried my hardest in the earlier stages, but the only reason my friend was inside my house is because i wouldn't let him drive/walk home, wish i had just paid for him to get a cap =P

teach09 0

I know when I get sick after drinking, that it's alot more than will fit in a cap. I am hoping that you meant that you should have gotten him a cab. But yea...that sucksss..hence the reason I GO to parties and don't have them at my place...

perdix 29

You should just have your friend do what it takes to put your fridge and its contents back to their pre-chunder states. You do have to give the guy some credit, though, even when he was so drunk that he puked in a fridge, he still had enough brain cells and conscience functioning that he thought he'd eventually clean it up. Most people would just puke and go and hope they don't get caught.

Dude, you are ******* epic for: - Replying to your post - Doing so in a reasonable fashion - Letting us know how it was resolved - Not getting defensive or hostile - Asking honest opinions/advice Your friend actually seems like a pretty nice guy, too. Owning up to it and letting you eat at his place for now and all that.

sweethoopergirl 7

You're a great friend. You handled it well.

I think there is a reason why this got posted. Things like this doesn't happen everyday, so to spend time preventing it seems in itself a waste of time. The chance of something semilar happening is really low!

Have him clean it up and buy you new food that got gross from the warm fridge.