Parasocial relationship

By Having some mental health issues - 17/02/2022 02:00

Today, I’m so lonely and sick of living that I wish my fictional comfort character was real, only so someone would hug me and tell me I’ll be okay, even if they were lying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 947
You deserved it 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sending you hug's and love. And it will be better just be patient 😊🙂

Hang in there @OP. Things will turn around. I would do it if I could.


Sending you hug's and love. And it will be better just be patient 😊🙂

You'll be okay. I'm not lying, but I am speaking without any evidence that what I'm saying is true. I'm not fictional. Yay!

Hang in there @OP. Things will turn around. I would do it if I could.

kristinagir 11

I’ll hug you and tell you everything will be ok

kristinagir 11

I’ll hug you and tell you everything will be ok

hugs and gentle can't last forever, but we can outlast it!