By failure - 14/07/2011 16:24 - Russian Federation

Today, my neighbour's boiler broke and flooded his home. To solve the problem, the water company shut off the neighbourhood's water supply while they fixed his boiler. I am now unable to shower, and I smell like a zoo animal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 533
You deserved it 4 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would they turn off the whole neighborhoods water? can't they just shut off your neighbors?

iAmScrubs 19

I've personally wanted to live in a zoo ever since I first watched Madagascar.


why would they turn off the whole neighborhoods water? can't they just shut off your neighbors?

Congratulations, the water company is run by dumbasses

rallets 22

in Soviet Russia, water shuts YOU off

why would not having water for a day mean you smell like a zoo animal? if its THAT bad it's not just from today dude

is that bad in Russia? some places ive been it's quite attractive. they even made a cologne for it. it gets the ladies 50% of the time, allll the time.

FunnyWeasel 7

Water you doing to my boiler?

iAmScrubs 19

I've personally wanted to live in a zoo ever since I first watched Madagascar.

*Lame hipster voice* I've wanted to live in a zoo before they were invented, but now I use a xoo, a product from apple that let's me experience a zoo, virtually.

KillerSong 11

lol #27 and I feel sorry for you OP

Ferretface 13

Guys, let's get serious. Madagascar is like, the best damn movie out there. XD

RabidBunny 10

In Soviet Russia...actually all Soviet Russian jokes have been obsolete since 1991. I'm sure the boiler will be fixed soon so don't worry.

mynameis1339 0

that's why the joke starts with "In soviet Russia..." that's the proper why to say it.

please send this comment to call of duty

In Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia jokes still exist!

StudMuffinette 17

There happens to be this little button up top that says "I agree, your life sucks" USE IT. Thank you.

At least you're not the only one who smells like a zoo animal, your whole neighbourhood does!

Well, you just have to pray that your neighbor doesn't blow a fuse or break his heating in winter.... FYL

blackbelt25 12

i broke my ankle a month ago, i could only shower once a week, at most!

Er... I broke my ankle and my fist once, I could still shower everyday!!! Just have to put a plastic bag on your cast!

perdix 29

Sounds like a great excuse to drink a shitload of vodka. Or bathe in it.


Go to the park and take a bath in the fountain with the animals.