By Nasty - 30/08/2011 16:48 - United States

Today, after using the bar of soap in the shower to wash my face, I looked down and noticed it was covered in my husband's pubes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 318
You deserved it 11 574

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't use a bar of soap on my face. Just saying.

saIty 17

He wanted to clean Jeffrey Jr for you tonight.


How did you not notice it at first? FYL OP I'm sorry

YDI. Bar soap is nasty and covered with bacteria. Now maybe you'll invest in a decent body wash, wash cloths and perhaps, just perhaps if you're attached to your bar soap. Get a separate bar!

Rectov 10

That was your own fault my friend

Exactly why I don't use bar soap, period.

Your face has never encountered his pubes before?