By Anonymous - 01/08/2009 13:06 - United States

Today, my Dad sent me an e-mail wishing me a "Happy 21st Birthday, sweetheart!" The message went on and on about how much he loves and misses me and wishes we were closer, and can't believe how fast I'm growing up. I'm 23 and my birthday is in December. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 415
You deserved it 2 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

autumnfrostfire 0

I'm thinking there's a secret daughter you guys don't know about and he just sent the message to the wrong one.

zootsuit 0

OMG that sucks....i'm so sorry. =( well at least, his heart is in the right place i guess.


zootsuit 0

OMG that sucks....i'm so sorry. =( well at least, his heart is in the right place i guess.

when wil lyou mothre ******* stop making up bullshit ass birthday *****, theres like 100 million of these bullshits in this ******* site, make something new up you niger douchebags

A niger? Is that like a cross between a narwhal and a tiger?

I really don't see how "his heart is in the right place". Forgetting her exact age - ok that might happen, though 21 is a kinda important birthday, he should have remembered that she has already passed that. Forgetting the day and month of her birth ... after presumably 23 birthday celebrations ... I don't see how that's possible unless he hasn't cared at all during her entire childhood. And that would make this message the expression of regret of a deadbeat loser. The kind of person who now feels sorry for *themselves* because they don't have a good relationship with their kids, but has never made the effort required to have one, and never will. I have a daughter, there is no way I'd ever forget the night she was born, absolutely no way.

Sessee 4

Actually, I think Niger is a country. #15 must have a vendetta against Nigerians.

RemembertheTime_fml 0
xXmoses_rocksXx 0

I think you're thinking of 'Nigeria'. lol

Sessee 4

Niger is above Nigeria :K God, I'm such a geographical nerd.

Maybe OP thinks their dad mixed them up with someone else?

Clearly, he understated his lament regarding being able to believe how fast you're "growing up". FYL. I know the feeling; sucks when your parents have erroneous information regarding you... particularly when it's legally documented... and I would think they knew for tax purposes at the very least at one point... not to mention the whole wow-I'm-your-child-really? thing. But in the *end* it's the heart that matters. His was in the right place, if not time:-p

jasmine1259 2

stop with the big words you're making my head hurt =(

Guido25897 4

Slightly large and quite unnecessary.

autumnfrostfire 0

I'm thinking there's a secret daughter you guys don't know about and he just sent the message to the wrong one.

cactus_fml 0

Yeah but he probably would have included a name that wasn't hers. Unless it just started out "Dear daughter," which is kinda weird.

autumnfrostfire 0

If he started off with "Happy birthday sweetheart" then he totally could have avoided a name.

I'd be more willing to bet that it's a secret girlfriend than a secret daughter.

I was just about to say the same thing! stranger things have happened...

bekahshae 0

It doesn't get much weirder than the mom being younger than the kid...hopefully it's a secret daughter xD

Leo518 0

or "hey honey" emails dont always include names

Maybe he was drunk. Or has Alzheimer's. Or was hit on the head with a huge rock....?

slinkiess 0

I know exactly how you feel when your own parent can't remember even the simplest of things about yourself. At least he thought about you. FYL.

leiseritter 0

while #4 may be right... this might've just been his attempt at trying to get to back into your life maybe? he was way off, but maybe it was his way of taking baby steps back into your life and actually trying to get closer to you? but still.... FYL

455babe 0

i don't understand y u upset about it at least hes trying most dads wont even do stop ur complainin and accept the fact that well ur dad is tryin to come back to u and tryin to tell u he loves u...i havent seen my dad in years he walked out on me n my 7 brothers and sisters and my mom and i recieved nothin from him be thankful that u got somethin from ur father n dont go on FMY just bc he got ur wrong age n birthday he was probably looking for a conversation be thankful

... or maybe he just needs money. *shrugs*

"Most dads" are not like that. And I'm sorry your father walked out on you, but the doesn't mean OP doesn't have somethings to complain about. Is she supposed to be happy he was off by 2 years and got the birthdate wrong?

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Wow I am sorry for whatever you have gone through in life for you to think most dads don't make an effort.

annamg 0

Hey, at least he tried... but still, fyl