By Taylor - 20/07/2011 16:37 - United States

Today, after spending time with my daughter and painting her nails she gives me a hug and says, "Mommy I love you, but I love daddy much better!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 905
You deserved it 4 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kids say stuff like that all the time. it doesn't mean you're not a better parent. :)


KatrinaKitten 16

Tell her, "Oh, honey, I feel the same way! We have so much in common.."

...that's ok, you're not my kid anyway...

I say kids are like little drunkards - always going around being more truthful than they should be. But kids are kids. Let them be. They change their minds on who their fave parents are and such all the time. :)

perdix 29

This would be really funny if your daughter were 34.

That's because Daddy buys her booze and cigarettes.

it's because , the mom's annoy you a LOT ! , & the dads , are funny & they work more , so you don't have to deal with em' as much as a mom.

KatrinaKitten 16

That's amazing logic right there!!! I agree with this..

PDeffinP 0

I agree. My mom was the one who yelled all the dad and I just hung out and had fun. Kids will be kids.

Kids say the darndest things! No but really don't take her seriously.

MermaidSongXOXO 6