Is it not your baby as well?

By Anonymous - 06/03/2021 05:03

Today, I'm starting to realize my wife's baby loves me more than my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 682
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

J15237 25

Is it not your baby too? I mean you don’t have to be biological father to raise it. Shouldn’t you be happy the baby loves you? Really missing the FML on this matter. Honestly it seems like the wife should be concerned you have a problem with her baby loving you.


J15237 25

Is it not your baby too? I mean you don’t have to be biological father to raise it. Shouldn’t you be happy the baby loves you? Really missing the FML on this matter. Honestly it seems like the wife should be concerned you have a problem with her baby loving you.

peterblack67 9

Wait what??? Isn't your wife's baby your baby too??

That's why many people have babies. They are the only source of true, unconditional love.

Until they start talking. Take away their favorite toy or candy, their love for you becomes very conditional! "Like taking candy from a baby" and "slept like a baby" are two of the dumbest cliches we use since they mean the opposite of what real babies are like.

"Like taking candy from a baby." Means it's easy to take since they don't fight back. Slept like a baby, I do agree it's used incorrectly, but even if a baby wakes up and cries, when they do sleep they have not a care in the world. (Plus newborns sleep most of the day whenever they want..No job, no worries, no stress. Eat, sleep and poop.)

Have you ever dealt with a real baby? They put up a fierce fight if you try to take candy from them. Also, some babies sleep pretty poorly and run their parents ragged. Also, "eats like a bird/horse" are used backwards to their real world amounts relative to body weight.

I have three kids. A baby is different than a toddler; which I assume you meant. A baby I can easily take out of their hands. They may cry for a second but are pleased by a replacement as if it were nothing...

Is it a human baby or a pet? If human and you say stuff like my wife's baby I see the problem

I'm asking out of wonder for the mother (if you're not the biological father; not that it matters if you're going to be raising it!) Is she feeling stressed out? Even more than normally tired or very on edge? Not that new mother's/parents don't feel that, but excess of it can be a larger problem of postpartum depression, in turn leads to not caring for herself or the baby properly. This is not on purpose, but a feeling of inadequacy she gets and it can affect the mood of a baby towards that parent. This is just a general question, as a baby is more often than not mostly attached to a mother (breast feeding or higher chance to be the one staying at home rather than working) There could also be absolutely nothing wrong at all, and your baby just really loves you (which too, is absolutely normal!) You're both that babies parents and he/she feels safe with you! :)

Like hell it wouldn't my matter if it’s not biologically his baby. If my wife had a baby that wasn’t my mine it would very quickly become “my ex-wife’s baby.”

...Are you dense? People can end up in a relationship after a woman is already pregnant. The woman could have been dumped, found out she was pregnant but met another man in the meantime. Also, rape happens and people don't always choose to abort or put up for adoption. That child that is born does not care whether the father is blood related or not. All that matters is if you raise it as your child. Not everything is based around cheaters, you don't have to be so cynical.

tounces7 27

The baby loves you more than the baby loves your wife, or the baby loves you more than your wife loves you? Huge difference in FML here.

It's a baby. Who cares if it shows more affection to one parent, they have plenty of time to develop