By addict - 26/08/2017 13:00

Today, after spending over a year getting clean and sober, I started feeling horrible withdrawal symptoms and couldn't understand why. It turns out my wife had been dosing my food with Adderall "to keep me on track" and just stopped. So much for my anniversary chip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 113
You deserved it 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One, she's basically been drugging you which is huge breach of trust. Two, she did it to "keep [you] on track," meaning that she didn't have any faith in your ability to get sober. Three, she actively undermined your efforts to get clean and doesn't seem remorseful about it. Four, if you work and they did a random drug screen, you would have gotten fired even though you were being dosed against your will. Five, I really suggest sitting her down and finding out what the ever loving hell she was thinking, if she was even thinking at all and not using her skull as a compact hot air balloon.

fooltemptress 36

It's time for her to get dosed with divorce papers.


WHY IN THE NAME OF HEAVEN WOULD SHE DO THIS? And ADDERALL? Seriously? This needs a prescription in most countries and taking it when you don't have ADHD has serious side effects. Where did she get her hands on it? She ran the risk of causing you serious bodily harm by spiking your food or drinks and giving you this drug. Sit down with her and discuss why she did this. Was she trying to help you quit progressively? Isn't she aware you're trying to sober up and get clean? This surely isn't a way to help especially if you're on track and getting the right medical support.

taking adhd meds when not needed actually make you feel more like your on speed. thats how i was told it works for people who dont need it.

Yes well it makes you feel like you're on speed because it IS speed. Pharmaceuticals just brainwash people into thinking the street type is bad for you, but buy it off them and it's a treatment.

onceuponatime456 16

Time to get rid of that bitch, she is ******* evil!

samomaha 17

She could be evil. But she could equally be just plain barking stupid. Or both!

I am not defending her, just thinking she could have been desperate to see sobriety. As the child of someone who has had relapse issues for 20 years, it isn't your fault family can't trust willpower. It was 110% wrong and illegal for her to do, but addiction is emotional abuse to the people around you and she may have just been trying to prevent the heartbreak of a relapse.

I can't follow your logic. OP was obviously on street drugs or abusing prescription drugs prior to this, so she drugs him with something that has the same effect as street drugs or abusing prescription drugs? In spite of what you've said, you're still giving an excuse for her behavior.

Holy hell Can we say lawsuit? Or at least mental ward needed.

writergirl1029 17

Hooooollly hell. I don't want to call for divorce right off the bat because she may have had good (if very misguided) intentions. Couples therapy for sure, but if she doesn't see why what she did was wrong, then it's time to move on. You could have been killed. Best of luck, and I hope you still earn your chip. This wasn't your fault.

I would leave someone if they did that to me. Probably have them thrown in jail too. They're supposed to be on your team and be your most supportive cheerleader, not the one that you think of as a splinter in your a$$ as you slide down the bannister of life.

SailorSolaris 43

Adderal is really dangerous if not prescribed by a doctor. Let her know that. From what I read about it, the worst side effects are: seizures, serious heart/breathing problems, and sudden death. She basically could have killed you.

CB1Fifty 4

Wow, I've been taking adderall for years. Never once experienced withdrawals... even when physically craving it. Interesting.

That is absolutely horrifying. I agree with what has been said by others about there needing to be some consequences for your wife - counseling and/or divorce and possibly legal. As for your sobriety, don't discount all of the hard work you have put in. Yes, you have had the drugs in the system, but if your thinking has changed, then you are, in my opinion, sober. You have, no doubt, found yourself in situations where you wanted to use but chose not to. Now that you are actually of the drugs, you can still apply that thinking and make the same choices. Good luck!