Who sharpens screwdrivers?

By Anonymous - 26/12/2021 14:01

Today, on my building site, I asked one of the guys to pass me a screwdriver. He threw it so hard that when I caught it, it stabbed into the meat of my finger and came clean out the other side. Now all the guys keep joking I got royally screwed. The jokes are worse than the pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 032
You deserved it 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you'd better not have vodka and orange juice? Get it? That's a screwdriver! Hahahaha!!!!

p0isonOreo68 13

Damn did dude throw the screwdriver like a dart and try to make your finger his own personal dartboard?


Maybe you'd better not have vodka and orange juice? Get it? That's a screwdriver! Hahahaha!!!!

p0isonOreo68 13

Damn did dude throw the screwdriver like a dart and try to make your finger his own personal dartboard?

mccuish 25

I guess you can say you got totally screwed over by your coworkers. Have you told them to screw off yet. I’ll see myself out for the bad jokes