High pressure environment

By Anonymous - 21/10/2022 01:00 - United States - Gig Harbor

Today, it's been two weeks since my wife started her new job. She got overwhelmed and fell off the wagon on Monday. Instead of going to work, she spent the last week passed out drunk, and she'll probably get fired. We really needed that 100k a year she was going to make. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 112
You deserved it 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe her Imposter Syndrome isn't unfounded? Do you see her resume? It likely contains some exaggerations and outright falsehoods. She probably lied during her interviews. Getting blackout drunk is a way to escape a horrible reality.


Maybe her Imposter Syndrome isn't unfounded? Do you see her resume? It likely contains some exaggerations and outright falsehoods. She probably lied during her interviews. Getting blackout drunk is a way to escape a horrible reality.