By GROSS - 07/03/2015 15:58 - Bangladesh

Today, I watched in horror from the doorway as my brother furiously scratched at his greasy hair and ate the large flakes of dead skin that came loose from his scalp. I think our real dad might be caged in a zoo somewhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 560
You deserved it 2 534

Same thing different taste

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I couldn't even finish reading about this without gagging so I'm really sorry to OP for having to witness it.

I hear that pouring bleach in your eyes can help to unsee things such as this. Best of luck.


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I have that issue too, the only way I figured out how to fix it was to have shorter hair and shower every morning. It still happens, and I've tried my hardest to fix it, yet it's still an issue. Granted, I live in a desert so there's not much humidity to dampen the scalp much.

6blondie9 4

perhaps you should get him some dandruff shampoo?

Not if there isn't any... hence the point of sending the dandruff shampoo.

I meant since he likes eating it, he probably won't use the shampoo>_

If his hair is that greasy I doubt he'll use the shampoo...

I couldn't even finish reading about this without gagging so I'm really sorry to OP for having to witness it.

I gave a verbal "Ew". The image in my head is horrendous.

The one time I regret having a vivid imagination *gagging*

Just real Quick and ninja-like. Mr Miyagi that shit right up: Wax on, wax off. Wipe the window, wash the hair

I think I just died a little inside after reading that.

I'm all for trying new things, but this takes it to the next level...

I hear that pouring bleach in your eyes can help to unsee things such as this. Best of luck.

You would still have the disturbing memory in your head replaying and replaying

Or, you can look at pictures of cute puppies.

Yes, but that doesn't mean we should act like them.

so then flinging poo at each should be equally acceptable?

Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor. We didn't come from monkeys. Even if sarcastic, monkeys don't eat their scalp flakes.

Oh my gag. You should introduce him to that wonderful product called shampoo, it sounds like they've never met before.