By Anonymous - 14/01/2018 06:00

Today, after faking my orgasms for several years, I found out that my boyfriend has been telling his friends that I'm super loose because he doesn't feel anything when I'm cumming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 685
You deserved it 12 924

Same thing different taste

Top comments

its your own fault if you cant talk about being unsatisfied in the bedroom with him and trying to make changes so both of you can enjoy it. his assumptions are just based on the lie you have been telling him

I clicked YDI the second I read "after faking my orgasms for several years". You could, oh I don't know, try communicating with him if he doesn't satisfy you.


No wonder he can't give you an ****** if he does not know how sexual organs work (like Ben Bates). But you should not have lied and should have communicated with him and give him pointers.

psycobunnymamafox 13

They don't work for all women

KingAdrock 16

Exercises strengthen muscles regardless of who you are.

If he doesn't feel much and thinks you're loose than f his life too

You’d better hope he doesn’t hit your head on a doorframe and then think you’re faking your concussion.

WeirdUS 29

if Op had the conversation but he still didn’t listen and just resorted to this it should have been over a long time ago. Even if she hadn’t been faking telling all your friends stuff about your sex life is also not cool.

thejimhawkins 13

I agree, you should have talked. There are some things that happen that you have no control over when you really have the big O. If your boyfriend has had intercourse with other women he would know. It is not the same for everyone. Take time and really work on it if you are serious about this relationship.

Did it ever occur to you that you're undermining any trust you have? It's more than satisfaction in the bedroom, it's demonstrating that you feel loved and open enough to discuss sex - which you don't. If I were him, I'd dump you tbh. I don't need to be constantly questioning if my partner is unhappy because I can't trust them to tell me

In fairness it doesn't seem like the OP was unhappy until she found out what her boyfriend has been telling his friends. For all we know the OP is one of those who just, for whatever reason, never manages to achieve ******. If that's the case it may have been an actual expression of love that she wasn't telling her boyfriend. She may have not told him because no matter what, even when it isn't their fault, some people will assume that the problem is her fault. She may not have wanted her boyfriend feeling like he wasn't good enough because he can't make her ******. Also "you feel loved and open enough to discuss sex - which you don't." is poor logic because Feeling loved has nothing to do with ones ability to discuss sex. The person's ability to discuss sex is what decides that and some people will never be open to discussing it no matter how close they are, or how deeply in love with their partner they are. I should know because I deal with that regularly. I love my man, I enjoy having sex with him, I am incredibly uncomfortable discussing anything related to my own personal feelings and preferences in the bedroom and therefore don't. I would rather literally not have sex, or purely have the sex he desires, than to actually let anyone know what my preferences or desires are. That's just information I'm not comfortable with existing in the world. I don't even like that it exists in my head.