Can't win

By Anonymous - 06/01/2024 18:00 - United States

Today, if I don't do work around the house, my girlfriend will call me a lazy pig and yell at me. If I do, she will yell because I didn't do it the right way. If I ask her to clarify the right way, she will call me a dumbass, give useless instructions, and work herself up into yelling at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 760
You deserved it 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This won't be easy, but break up with her. She is controlling and abusive (emotionally and verbally). You deserve better.

Nico97 3

its not about the housework. she needs to communicate what’s really wrong


This won't be easy, but break up with her. She is controlling and abusive (emotionally and verbally). You deserve better.

Nico97 3

its not about the housework. she needs to communicate what’s really wrong

The probability that she is ******* someone else approaches one with every passing day.

easybree 10

and you’re with her because?

So either your girlfriend is a control freak and is being verbally and emotionally abusive or she's intentionally trying to get you to dump her ,either way it's a toxic relationship and you need to leave.

009bouris 5

run far run fast unless you want that to be the rest of your life

I see 3 possibilities here: ... (1) GF is emotionally and verbally abusive (get out)... (2) GF wants OP to break up with her (get out)... (3) OP is not very helpful and apparently unable to follow directions to do housework (possibly "learned helplessness" - Google it). In this case it's a sad situation, because people with this problem rarely improve much. It might be a mercy on both of them to put an end to the relationship... OP, I don't see much upside here. Maybe there are other explanations for the situation, but it doesn't sound like either of you are happy with the situation.

This is very abusive behavior. leave when you can.