By GyroUpgraded - 20/07/2016 23:03 - United States - Portland

Today, after driving to three drug testing clinics that were approved for my job, each one declined me, saying they don't do testing anymore. Now I have to drive another 25 miles to see if someone will say, "You're clean." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 878
You deserved it 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If only you had some way of communicating with these places at a distance. I suggest you use... hang on, my phone is ringing, brb

If for some reason your job needs you to do a drug test, shouldn't they at least be able to give you up to date information on where to get one, and then preferably pay the expenses? Or is that not how this whole drug testing-thing works? So weird that they even ask for such a thing.


If only you had some way of communicating with these places at a distance. I suggest you use... hang on, my phone is ringing, brb

Telegrams! They're the future, I tell you!

Lol ikr XD after the first place not working out, OP should've just called. Way easier. OP probably used their phone to look up said clinic's locations, too...

If for some reason your job needs you to do a drug test, shouldn't they at least be able to give you up to date information on where to get one, and then preferably pay the expenses? Or is that not how this whole drug testing-thing works? So weird that they even ask for such a thing.

It's not super weird that they asked for a drug test depending on what the job is, but that's not the way any companies I've heard of go about getting people tested. Usually you would give a sample at the place and they would send it in to whoever they chose.

It does seem super weird to me as this is not something we do in my country, but I've heard it's pretty common in the US? Kinda creeps me out tbh, but I guess when you're used to it, it seems normal.

I am so happy this isn't legal over here. Kind of infringes on your privacy. Let people take whatever they want in their free time as long as it doesn't interfere with their work.

zeffra13 31

Any employee of the city has to pass a drug test as part of their physical, at least in California. Many other jobs require it too, & may require testing after work-related accidents. For example, 6 Flags requires testing if a golf cart gets damaged while you're out with it.

13- I drive a tanker truck loaded with crude oil down the highway. Would you really want me driving around stoned, or would you prefer they infringe on my privacy a little?

*we crash into each other* Hey! You got your oil in my bearings! [I haul bulk auto parts :) ]

It does suck that clinics closer to you don't test, but I really don't understand why you aren't calling to find out first.

Most jobs do the test on site, that's pretty different.

it depends on the job alot of the time. Some jobs want a more thurough test to be done. For example people who drive company vehicles.

i have had to do drug tests / medical and employer always booked me in and paid

Shouldn't your employer book the test? That's how it work here

I don't know about where you are but here we can buy certified drug tests at the pharmacies if you can there buy one and get your employer to do the test.

Does your potential employer know they don't do testing anymore? And why didn't you call the clinics first to make sure they could see you?

cheshireau 26

*if* you are clean? You don't know if you have taken drugs recently?

If they will find someone who actually gives the test, not if they are clean...