By improudbutreally - 29/06/2017 12:21

Today, my boyfriend got a raise after working at a company for 3 months. I'm proud of him, but I've been working at the company for almost 2 years, trying to get to his position. My parents own the company and put him there when they hired him, and now he makes more than me, thanks to their raise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 559
You deserved it 953

holly_fly tells us more.

Hey guys, OP here. Just to explain a little more, he got the position because it's a mechanic one, and he had a bit more experience than me (but only because his dad showed him some basic mechanic skills, and mine didn't... see the problem?) I think part of it also has to do with me being a girl and my parents don't think it's "proper" for a girl to be a mechanic. Anytime I try to talk to them they say "the chance has to be earned", but he obviously didn't "earn" it. As far as the raise, I'm moving upstate soon, so obviously I didn't expect one. We just didn't know they were considering giving anyone one, and I was already having a bad day. It's only a dollar, so it's not a huge deal XD I do work hard though, I was just never given a clear position and was bounced around a lot. That made it kinda hard to show them I could do any one thing well, because I never stayed doing one thing. .-.

Top comments

I understand you worked hard, however, could your boyfriend just have been BETTER than you? Also, expecting your parents to give you the raise might have contributed to why you didn't get it. Maybe work for the raise, without thinking you have a safety net would improve your work?

ezrajab 22

Family work and significant others is dicey I wouldn't say anything may come back and bite you in the ass sorry op.


I understand you worked hard, however, could your boyfriend just have been BETTER than you? Also, expecting your parents to give you the raise might have contributed to why you didn't get it. Maybe work for the raise, without thinking you have a safety net would improve your work?

If they gave you the job, it would have clearly been nepotism! Just go with that.

bigtwobah 6
ezrajab 22

Family work and significant others is dicey I wouldn't say anything may come back and bite you in the ass sorry op.

I assume he either works harder or is more qualified. There will always be people like that - and people who are not as qualified or as hard working as you. It just life in the real world. Did you ask why he got the position and not you? The answer should be illuminating instead of just guessing.

Gwengreen 6

It sounds like you have an easier opportunity than the vast majority of the workforce where you can sit down with the bosses/ parents and have an honest evaluation on your career goals, future opportunities and how you can improve your skill set in order to earn the promotion and raise.

It probably has to do that they don't want to show favoritism by making things easy on you. So instead they make things hard on you and give your bf the favoritism as it indirectly gets back to you. It could also be that they are grooming one of the two of you to take over after a long time... Hard to tell...

People don't get a pay-rise at a job after only 3 months unless they have excelled and the company doesn't want to lose them. Good workers are hard to find. I'd say, he's just good at his job and there's no conspiracy.

Tartara 15

I can see how that seems unfair based on time - him 3 months, you 2 years. I'd have an open and honest conversation with your parents about how you can progress further in their company. In the meantime, since your bf now has that awesome raise you should have him take you out on a celebratory date!