By Anonymous - 29/08/2013 19:33 - United States - Little Rock

Today, after a long couple of months working non-stop, I finally got someone to cover my shift. Turns out she was joking, and when I didn't show up for work, I was fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 875
You deserved it 3 687

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an unfair co worker and boss. Hope you find a better job op!

wonderbreadtee 5

That's why where I worked, we always had to let our boss know when the shifts were changed.


What an unfair co worker and boss. Hope you find a better job op!

I try to always find the silver lining: Maybe this will be the chance for OP to find a job where they only work 5 days a week, better pay, and doesn't have to wait for 3 months to get a day off :-). Maybe this is the push they need to get a job they deserve. I definitely do not agree with what the now ex-coworker did; unless someone died, there is no excuse for what that. How is that even funny?

Totally agree there. Good luck to OP

Op should report the coworker and maybe the boss. But now she has the chance to find a Better job as it has been pointed out

OP if you got payed lots of money it was worth 3 months. Also you're better off without the job but it also depended on your pay too.

HisHarleyQuinn 14

#29 Money isn't everything. Not long ago I worked 27 days straight... Which wouldn't have been terrible had it not been for the fact that I have a toddler who, during that time, developed separation anxiety since I was gone so much. Now he carries on as if I'm killing him every time I have to go to work.

Every place I've ever worked if you get someone to cover your shift you generally have to have a manager approve or sign o ff on it for it to be "official". If you don't do so, it's still your responsibility, meaning if they don't show it is your ass on the line. Sucks, but that's just the way it works most places.

K410 18

Wow what's with people being total assholes at work in FML lately? I'm sure you're better off without them!

etoilenuit 15

The same thing happened to me. Don't worry OP your better off!

samsituation 11

I don't know why, but your profile picture goes so well with your comment.

AnOriginalName 19

Just a straight-up shitty situation. That's not something to joke about, especially if a job is on the line.

OP should have told the boss about the shift being covered. That way when the coworker didn't turn up, the right person got fired. Lets see her laugh about that one.

wonderbreadtee 5

That's why where I worked, we always had to let our boss know when the shifts were changed.

It was the same at my old job, however if the person you switched with never showed you were still held responsible.

That's exactly the case with my past 3 me its just common sense now.

Where I work we have to put it writing, both sign it, and tell the manager that we're switching a shift as well as give her the signed note. If the person doesn't show it's their fault, not yours, because its no longer your shift. It's theirs, and it's their job to show up for it.

hcollins1 18

That's how it is at my job as well, because they want someone that is just as good as a worker or better covering the shift for that individual. That and to avoid situations like this.

Just explain to your boss what happened. If he's reasonable, you should get your job back.

I would've double checked with her and your boss that your shift was being covered. I hope you can explain the situation to your boss. Your coworker is a major twat.

olpally 32

What a troll. Go punch her in the stomach.

Ari1337 15

violence won't solve OPs lack of employment though.

no but it would make them feel so much better though.

If anything, your co-worker should have been the one fired, not you. If your boss had any decency, they would have taken into consideration how devoted of an employee you are [as a result of your hectic schedule the past months] and realize you would never not intentionally show for your shift.

I agree with this. If you want a bright side OP, then they're most likely having a beck of a time scheduling anyone who was working the his that you were putting in.