By jessiluvxx - 25/09/2016 21:08 - United States - Kearny

Today, I was called to be told I'm fired for not showing up for my shift. I guess she didn't check her voice message to see that I gave birth last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 231
You deserved it 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I smell a large lawsuit giving you enough cash to send your newborn to college! Congratulations on the baby!

Just tell her (to check her voicemail/missed calls) and everything should be fine. That or something happened to it, in which case you could still clear it up with a doctor's note or medical form to prove where you were.


Just tell her (to check her voicemail/missed calls) and everything should be fine. That or something happened to it, in which case you could still clear it up with a doctor's note or medical form to prove where you were.

Yeah it's not like she would be able to just borrow someone else's baby, right? I mean, of course I wouldn't know about that... I've never done that... Nope...

raz0rf0x 8

she would still need a note from the doctor. they need a written note (or in some cases, they have specific paperwork for that.) idk if the fmla is the same but i know a lot of jobs have their own variations of it that needs to be filled out. it goes into that employee's records. they can't just make a copy of the baby and stick it in a cabinet file.

OP's department manager was suspended for wrongful termination! And OP got a raise! And she had twins! Isn't that just awesome?!

I smell a large lawsuit giving you enough cash to send your newborn to college! Congratulations on the baby!

Why is that the American solution for everything? "Oh that person looked at me funny" "LAWSUIT!!!!!!!"

This would have to be one of the rare situations where a lawsuit is actually deserved and appropriate.

that is horrible! congrats on the baby, but they need to fix that!!

corky1992 33

I dont think she can legally fire you for that

That is definitely part of FMLA as long as she's worked there for a certain period of time.

Obviously that's no excuse op!!! Just kidding! I hope you get a new job with a boss who understands the process of life after the miracle of life. Congrats on the baby.

mermaidkeels 26

I'm more impressed at the fact that you were still working days before having a child!

mermaidkeels 26

And to be honest, I find it insensitive of your boss to fire you for missing a day while you're pregnant. If an expecting mom is absent, one can easily infer it probably has something to do with the pregnancy!!

I didn't know that it was uncommon haha. Working retail I see people do it all the time, I went out 3 says before I popped myself

I'm a nurse, and one of my colleagues worked her shift, punched out and went upstairs and gave birth a few hours later. We all thought she was nuts. She was having contractions the entire shift.

mariri9206 32

Damn, 14, your co-worker is hard core. And, if she couldn't make through her shift or baby decided to come before it was over, at least she was already at the hospital. lol

The baby could have come early and even if it didn't it's not uncommon to work until the due date of your baby.

Holy Cow! I don't know where you are from but in Austria Soon-to-be Mothers are absolutely forbidden to work like 2 month prior to their due date. Companies who still let them work have to deal with grave consequences! That's why nobody does it. It sounds crazy to me having to work till the day you give birth. But then again: Ohter Countries, other cutoms.

You should have gone to your shift with your baby. You'd have earned your regular wage and your baby would get the 90-day probationary rate.

Congratulations on your baby, honey. I'm sure everything will be okay with your job now that you have explained yourself!

You have way too much faith in the business world.

Maybe-- I have been out of the business world for a long time. I just try to see the best in people...

I hope you aren't the same woman who's mom wouldn't leave their middle aged son to see their grandchild btw congrats op on your blessing?

jessiluvxx 15

No I'm not haha! I did see that post though

"Ma'm I just gave birth! -So what's the problem?!" No but seriously is that even legal?