By jobless - 08/09/2016 18:18 - Canada - Sherwood Park

Today, after a month at my new job, my boss fired me because I didn't have enough experience. She hired me with full knowledge of this fact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 965
You deserved it 936

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sounds like she was trying to be nice, to some degree. Sometimes lack of experience is actually fine - the person will adapt and learn quickly and will catch up to where they would be with more experience. Sometimes they struggle to do that and wind up overwhelmed or just not doing a great job. It sounds like she thought it was going to be the former situation but it turned out to be the latter, and that really sucks for you, OP, I'm sorry :(

At least if you go for another job in this field, you now can put that you have experience on your resume.


At least if you go for another job in this field, you now can put that you have experience on your resume.

You put how long you worked somewhere on your resume, so this job won't look good because of the short time worked there. It'll probably actually be best not to include it at all.

Most things require a year at least of experience. They're going to look at that one month and think that OP couldn't cut it.

#3 That's why it's best to get hired in December and fired in January. You can put your dates as 2015-2016 and that would be factually correct.

8 - But you still have to put if they can contact your previous employer. Saying they can't contact your previous employer on a job you just got fired from recently would raise some serious red flags to them.

Actually, it's not bad to say they can't contact your immediate previous employer, but it gets suspicious if you disallow all previous employers.

Seeing as you don't know much about resumes.. you don't put something on there if you got fired!

It sounds like she was trying to be nice, to some degree. Sometimes lack of experience is actually fine - the person will adapt and learn quickly and will catch up to where they would be with more experience. Sometimes they struggle to do that and wind up overwhelmed or just not doing a great job. It sounds like she thought it was going to be the former situation but it turned out to be the latter, and that really sucks for you, OP, I'm sorry :(

Pretty much this. Some people will be willing to take on people with less than the required experience for lower level jobs, but those employees have to show a willingness and ability to learn quickly or else they won't last long.

species4872 19

Looks like she gave you a break thinking you'd get up to speed quickly. It's hard to be angry with her for believing in you too much.

This is why I hate when jobs want a minimum amount of experience. Why do you not want people to GAIN experience?

That's the current job market, either adapt quickly or you're out the door.

Maybe that was the amount of time it took her to find a better qualified applicant.

ericanicole1 12

That same exact thing happened to me 2x earlier this year. Both times they said I was doing good considering I had no experience in that field but they needed someone that knew everything NOW not someone they had to train. Biggest waste of time ever

That sounds like Alberta right now. I'm in the same boat, the struggle is real.

blackrose1996 11

She was hoping you were a fast learner I guess still sucks

"We thought we could train you on the job, but apparently the state wants all applicants to have some fancy schooling before they can become a neurosurgeon."