By sammers27 - 19/12/2013 13:48 - United States - Scottsdale

Today, a weird guy in pajama pants and a fake hair-hat kept standing by us at a concert. Everyone talked about what a creep he was. I would have too, but he was my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 160
You deserved it 4 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, the only way you can thank him is by dressing up as a panda and accompanying him to work. Have fun OP


Now that's a dad who has no shame what so ever!!!

Hey at least he put up with it instead of embarrassing you even more by telling them or talking to them, still that's sucks op.

It's sad how people superficially judge others. He could be a nice, friendly, harmless guy for all we know. There are serial killers out there who are well-dressed and act all sweet and charming until they kill and dismember someone.

Maybe you should be thankful that you got to go to that concert. I'm sure whatever crappy teenage music you listen to, he wasn't itching to listen to it all night, but did anyway so that you could go.

christian2234 15
SuperMew 22

I understand feeling embarrassed because your friends think someone is awkward, but to sit there and not defend your father... I could understand if your father was an asshole, or he did some pretty ****** up things in life, but the only thing I see here is bad fashion choices. You should have introduced your father to your friends, said he was a silly person, and moved on from that. If people cannot handle your family, I don't feel like they deserve to be considered good friends.

My dad is the exact same way. I feel your pain, buddy