By K.. - 07/05/2011 17:38 - United States

Today, my dad demonstrated just how incredibly illiterate he is. He sent me a chain email about the awful lives of people with "Asparagus syndrome". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 855
You deserved it 3 727

Same thing different taste

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It's a scourge on humanity! It makes your pee smell all funny! It must be banned!

iAmScrubs 19

ATTENTION, once you have started reading this, you can't stop. If you do not send this message to 29 people by midnight tonight, an asparagus will appear outside your window an give you asparagus syndrome.


johnson94 5

Well 1)calling your dad illiterate because of a possible typo is a little bit extreme and 2)you have to be sick to eat those anyways so...

bravesfan112233 0

its supposed to be asburgers if thats hot you spell it

Ritaa_fml 4

*Ass-burgers. OP's dad isn't illiterate. He just forwards chain mails without reading them. Nothing to see here, move on...

catrav77 0

you see what who did where...?

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TropicalTulipz 0
baby_dee97 8

It's a scourge on humanity! It makes your pee smell all funny! It must be banned!

so true, doc! why's it make the pee smell so bad?!

jennifer93 0

oh you've never heard of it? wow you're behind the times...


we have to speak up for those of us that are less fortunate. it's a hard life they live

nlr 9

is that when you reek of asparagus?

Aspergers. high-functioning autism, basically.

nlr 9

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Nir, go get educated. You have no idea what autism is.

nlr: I honestly think you just pulled something out of your ass and hoped it would work. That's probably how you live every day of your life; good luck not getting beaten to death!