By Anonymous - 12/05/2014 00:14 - New Zealand - Napier

Today, a guy asked for my number at the grocery store, but I politely told him I wasn't interested. He followed me home and took a shit on my doorstep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 805
You deserved it 7 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He wasn't able to go out with you but he was still able to dump you.

SharnaaaBanana 22

That's disgusting. Who does that.


How is not wanting to date someone "playing princess"?! By your logic, women should date every single person that asks, regardless of whether they want to, whether they're already in a relationship, or whether they're actually attracted to that gender.

Apparently women no longer have a choice in who they date. Who knew? Now if you'll excuse me, my dating options just got a LOT more numerous.

If you walked home, you should've called the cops after a couple of blocks. I'd you drove, then you should've gone straight back to work and called the cops. Either way, if you didn't call the cops before you got home, YDI.

No one deserves unvalidated harassment you jerk, she probably didn't know he was following her (probably was a car) until she got home

RedPillSucks 31

Agreed with #22. No one deserves this. Also, it's not like the guy is going to stick around waiting the 20 minutes for the cops to show up. Unless she's in the middle of being attacked, they're going to treat it as a non-emergency.

Well, considering you're apparently JtHM... I believe you belive this.

It's so easy to know what to do when you're not the person it's happening to, isn't it, #18?

His trilby and neckbeard gave it away

Now he knows where you live...bad move there...just give your number and then change yours or give a fake

How'd you get it cleaned up? I'd love a follow-up on this

How exactly did you "politely decline."

Even if she hadn't been polite about it, that would definitely not justify following her home.

It happens quite often. It's no wonder women have such bad reputations for having "bitchy" attitudes towards men. Usually, a guy will get rejected, and, in order to save face or assert masculinity, they'll relay the rejection to their "bros" as, "Well, she was a stuck-up bitch anyway; so glad I got over her like a bad habit." This failure to accept reality is an artifact from the idea that a woman should be "lucky" a man has interest in her and is obliged to reciprocate said interest. A woman can be as nice and understanding as she wants to be, but if the right ignorant man comes along, she's usually the one who has to pay for his behavior, whether by tarnishing her reputation (courtesy of the man) or by finding poop on her porch.