By shahman14 - 02/06/2019 00:02

Today, I started working at an extremely prestigious bank. In the first five minutes of being there, the boss had me do his laundry at a Laundromat, and when I actually tried to work, he kept showing me some magic tricks. Later on, he fired me for HIS mistake of giving an extra $400 to a customer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 231
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

too bad you cant turn him in all of this sounds/is illegal

Definitely take further action into this. Fyl 😩


too bad you cant turn him in all of this sounds/is illegal

Definitely take further action into this. Fyl 😩

that prestigious bank must have a prestigious HR department.. file a complaint!

...were you working for Michael Scott?

I'd be talking to your boss's boss and HR.

Look at that as a blessing. He seems like a horrible boss anyway. You'll find something better, Op

I don’t know where this takes place, but when the head of the CT humane society pulled this kind of crap, the AG stepped in and made him resign.