By Anonymous - 03/12/2016 09:54 - United States

Today, I've had so many family members die in the past 4 years, I now think of which pictures would look good at people's funerals when I look through photo albums. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 953
You deserved it 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( Death is such a sad, inevitable thing that nobody enjoys. Keep your chin up towards the positive things in life and know that it only gets better.

I want to make a joke, but I don't want to get burie—oh, no offense, OP.


Either you're very ******* twisted in the head, or just desperately looking for something in common with other people. I honestly can't tell which.

I'm so sorry to hear that. :( Death is such a sad, inevitable thing that nobody enjoys. Keep your chin up towards the positive things in life and know that it only gets better.

Gets better... Lol. Then YOU die. F all our lives

That's really sa... wait. You "had" family members die? "Had" as in "arranged for"?

I want to make a joke, but I don't want to get burie—oh, no offense, OP.

Omg, I'm so sorry OP. I know what it's like to lose people you love. You just have to keep your head up and stay strong. Better times are coming OP. Just stay strong.

Same... I've lost my mom, my grandma, my aunt, my 8day old nephew, mother inlaw, father in law, husbands uncle, not counting great aunts, great uncles, and cousins. So sorry, I know the feeling.

And do you look through photo albums thinking which would look best at a funeral? If not, you don't know the feeling.

5 years. My mom was the first to pass away in 2011.

I will literally go through albums and say this picture goes to the funeral home when so and so dies, or this song needs to play when so and so dies.

OMG that's horrible! How did you cope with all those losses?

I have bad depression I'm trying to get myself out of. But luckily I have a wonderful husband by my side.

I'm so sorry for your losses. I hope your family members rest in peace. My losses are probably little compared to yours, but my best friend commited suicide this June and my cousin died a couple of months ago as well. It's been hard on me with only two deaths so I can't even imagine what you're going through with numerous deaths in your family. We both probably know the pain reduces/goes away eventually but the feeling that you're never going to see them again hits you hard. However, the memories we have with them will always remain. I used to go through my yearbook and read the message from my best friend and photos with my cousin in it and that just brought up a lot of memories so I understand how it feels while looking through the family photos. After my friends death, I started hanging out with my friends more to make up for the time I didn't spend with her before her death, somehow trying to fill the void. So perhaps spending time with your other family members will help? Also, instead of thinking about what pictures would look good in who's funeral, think of the memories with them which would put a smile to your face.

Be grateful you had that many family members to begin with

And if you ever get cancer, be grateful you didn't have cancer before. And if you are ever homeless, be grateful you had a home before. And if somebody ever gives you vacuous advice on the internet, be glad there was a time before you read it.

Being grateful for, and endlessly loving family members does not make it better when they die??

I'm grateful for this comment before I read it.

I'm sorry you don't have that many family members, but really? A bit rude in my oppinion.